Posted on: September 17, 2014 Posted by: James Comments: 0


The Battle of Kazan “With the snow falling outside, we prepared our two toy soldier armies for their tabletop battle at the Winter Palace. Mark would command the Social Democratic forces of the Constituent Assembly who were defending a village which blocked the road to Kazan in the Tatarstan region of Russia. Most of his team’s troops were peasant militia of doubtful quality, but they were backed up by a…

Posted on: September 17, 2014 Posted by: James Comments: 0


Wargames are a continuation of politics by other means. Guy Debord is celebrated as the chief strategist of the Situationist International and as the author of the searing critique of the media-saturated society of consumer capitalism: The Society of the Spectacle. What is much less well known is that after the May ’68 Revolution, Debord and his partner – Alice Becker-Ho – quit Paris and went to live in a…