Posted on: June 6, 2018 Posted by: Richard Barbrook Comments: 0

Class Wargames Meets the Shachtmanites Uptown

Greater London Council Communism “Every proletarian must play at being Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin on its game board so that no one is tempted to become a little Lenin, Trotsky or Stalin. Sacrifice the nomad warriors of the vanguard party. Elite troops are expendable pieces in the struggle to build a truly human civilisation!” – Richard Barbrook and Fabian Tompsett. Class Wargames Film and Participatory Playing of Guy Debord’s The…

Posted on: June 13, 2017 Posted by: Richard Barbrook Comments: 0

Ludic Subversion of Tory Mendacity

Situationism in the Service of Social Democracy “Great initiative from Labour supporters. The Tories may own the media, but it’s the people whose creativity will win.” — John McDonnell MP Under the banner of Games for the Many, Class Wargames and the Telekommunist International successfully joined forces to create ludic propaganda for the British Labour party’s 2017 general election campaign. Play Our Games CorbynFace CorbynRun Media Coverage of CorbynRun Nicholas…