Posted on: March 1, 2025 Posted by: Richard Barbrook Comments: 0

The Gamification of Proletarian Struggle

In our historical perspective, play — the constant experimentation with ludic innovations — only comes into being alongside ethics and questions of life’s meaning. The only success which we can appreciate in play is the immediate success of its ambience, and the constant increase of its powers. In its present co-existence with the residues of the phase of decline, play cannot completely free itself from a competitive aspect, it must at least aim to provoke conditions favourable to living directly. In this sense it is still both a struggle and a representation: a struggle for a life measured by desire, and a concrete representation of such a life. – Internationale Situationniste #1.

We will be playing politico-military games on the last Friday of the month during 2025.

Friday 31st January: Commands & Colors Medieval – Islamic civilisation vs Christian barbarians in the Holy Land.

Friday 28th February: Arty’s Clone Wars GameDonald Featherstone a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Friday 28th March: Junta – plotting and grifting amongst comprador bourgeoisie in the periphery of the American empire.

Friday 25th April: Grimdark Future Firefight – Warhammer with Marxist characteristics.

Friday 30th May: A Gest of Robin Hood – rural guerrilla warfare in Medieval England.

Entrance free. Bring your own food & drink.

These games will take place 6.30pm-10.30pm at:-
Newspeak House
133-135 Bethnal Green Road
E2 7DG