Posted on: August 24, 2019 Posted by: Richard Barbrook Comments: 0

Corbynista Cadre Training

“The Labour Party is not a creed-bound thing of dogmas, but represents the state of self-consciousness reached by the working class.” – Keir Hardie.

Communiqué 11: 22/9/19

Guy Debord’s The Game of War

The Game of War is a Clausewitz simulator: a Napoleonic-era military strategy game where armies must maintain their communications structure to survive – and where victory is achieved by smashing your opponent’s supply network rather than by taking their pieces. For Guy Debord, revolutionary activists could learn by playing The Game of War how to fight and win against the oppressors of spectacular society.

“Wargames are a continuation of politics by other means.”

Sunday 22nd September

The World Transformed
TWT Activities Tent
Old Steine Gardens (South side)
Brighton BN1 1EL

Taste of Power: the great municipal socialism game

In this mass-participatory role-playing game, a recently elected radical local council must battle with the legacy of their neoliberal predecessors and halt a disastrous redevelopment scheme.

From Digital Liberties, the makers of last year’s wildly successful A Very British Coup mega-game, this new multiplayer strategy game designed especially for TWT19 teaches Labour activists how to operate in and against the local state.

Come and play at TWT19 to get an insight into the difficulties of being a political radical in government.

Monday 23rd September

The World Transformed
TWT Activities Tent
Old Steine Gardens (South side)
Brighton BN1 1EL

Taste of Power game board

Taste of Power Players’ Manual